Patterns engraved on the door of Tongdosa Temple

Tongdosa temple is one of Korea’s five “Palace of the Jewel of Nirvana” temples, where the relics of the Buddha substitute for a statue. Precept Master Jajang brought the relics, including part of the Buddha’s robes, from China and enshrined them (646C.E). Consequently, the temple represents the Buddha of Korea’s three Jewel Temples and it also is a Full Monastic Training Temple, with Yeongchuk Monastery. Today, let’s take a look at the gate pattern that I took while visiting Tongdosa Temple.

Architecture made of wood

Tongdosa Temple is a building made entirely of wood. Looking at the trees on the pillars, you can feel that they have endured for a really long time.

Wooden door of Tongdosa

Tongdosa Temple also follows the architectural style of Hanok. Hanok refers to traditional Korean houses. Hanok doors are made by covering a wooden frame with Korean paper. Although Hanji is a type of paper, it has really good humidity control properties.

Korean patterns

If you look at the gate of Tongdosa Temple, you can see Korean patterns. It’s a pattern made with a flower motif, and it’s really beautiful.

Author: gukppong

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